Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The View Was Great Today!!

So the day started off crazy. Nothing is worse then to wake a client up with bad news and that is what I had to do today. But things got cleared up with the photo. Melyssa called into Angela Yee's show on Sirius Lip Service and spoke to her. Here is a link to the audio CLICK HERE. In typical Melyssa fashion she set the record straight. Excuse the curses. I reached out to Mediaoutrage.com and they exclusively interviewed her. So wonder twin powers make me into a PUBLICIST!!

Ok not funny.

Worked on a ton of other stuff today. Watched the View. Elizabeth does not live in the same world as I do. Whoppi let her had it. It is kinda sad because she is a mother and influences her children with her opinions.

As much as I was putting out fires today, honestly distracted with all the election excitement.

So with that being said I am signing off until tomorrow. I am watching CNN and MSNBC. Looking good. Obama just won PA!!!!

Things will be great.

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