Monday, November 10, 2008

It's Monday.

Happy Monday.

I have to start out today's blog with a comment on why did I use red font for my last blog?? I was excited about the election I guess. No excuse but that must be the reason.

So already the week seems like it will not be long enough. Lexi and I are still plugging away with our "runner" client. He sent over some photos of his 2009 calendar and they look good. Ladies your definitely want to buy it. Keep reading to get more information. We also signed a new client. She is dope and we are hella excited about joining her our COLLECTIVE NOVA. I have kinda teased about the collective nova and will talk about it more when stuff is all together.

This week is going to be packed with stuff. Want to meet up with Tamara and Ty and work on stuff. Melyssa is doing Maury on Wednesday. That should be interesting. Honestly whenever they call I am always excited because I watch everyday. She is back to LA this week. She did the New York part of her birthday bash. She partied it up. I went to Runway, Pop Burger, bowling and brunch. I am old so too much drinks and late nights makes Ms. Diamond look old! And I can not afford that! I will post photos later from all the festivities. Everybody looked so nice. Shout out to my girls Ty and Tamara always looking fly. Ok back to my week. I will be dropping off a pitch for Africa for this music show VJ gig. I think she will be perfect. She is the songbird that has so much personality that she always needs an audience. Oh Shelly has a video next week that I am still working on details for. Always working on the FMos master piece.....

Yeah not enough time already. I still need to connect with my other clients (Nancy, Gbassa and Michelle) and make sure I am plugging away for them. So not enough time......
With that said I am going back to work because IT'S MONDAY.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The View Was Great Today!!

So the day started off crazy. Nothing is worse then to wake a client up with bad news and that is what I had to do today. But things got cleared up with the photo. Melyssa called into Angela Yee's show on Sirius Lip Service and spoke to her. Here is a link to the audio CLICK HERE. In typical Melyssa fashion she set the record straight. Excuse the curses. I reached out to and they exclusively interviewed her. So wonder twin powers make me into a PUBLICIST!!

Ok not funny.

Worked on a ton of other stuff today. Watched the View. Elizabeth does not live in the same world as I do. Whoppi let her had it. It is kinda sad because she is a mother and influences her children with her opinions.

As much as I was putting out fires today, honestly distracted with all the election excitement.

So with that being said I am signing off until tomorrow. I am watching CNN and MSNBC. Looking good. Obama just won PA!!!!

Things will be great.

Gossip and morning coffee

So I wake up to drama this morning. A gossip site is running a photo of Melyssa that was taken on a plane. She is asleep but of course the site doesn't run the photo like that. Or show how creepy the washed up NFL player is for taking a photo of her. So dealing with that this am. Today should be a day of great joy because of the change that should happen today. My boo and everybody I know got up early to make their statement loud for Obama. Shakai hit me at 8am saying she felt like it's christmas!! Anyway, I have to get back to the drama and hope stuff gets better.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Will tomorrow change the life of myself and daughter

Things have been very busy today. Shelly Rio has been booked for the lead in a video that is shooting next week. Worked out the deal for that and waiting on all the small details. She also is attending one of the Dallas Cowboy's charity event this Thursday. She has been getting her charity on. Thursday's event is for single mothers so Shelly will definitely want to be involved.

Melyssa Ford called today saying she will be in town for her birthday. So trying to put together a small dinner of just friends with short notice. I think she wants a big shing ding DJ Clue spinning, red carpet, bottles poppin etc. That actually doesn't sound bad but I am not sure that can happen in two days???

Lexi and I are still plugging away with our newest client Michael Walton. We have partnered to start a new movement called The Collective Nova. That is all I am going to say right now. But we are working on stuff and ideas that are going to blow minds!

So that was today's craziness. Just the usual juggle of work and home. Oh I cooked with my
daughter. And found a few minutes to write this after watching SNL Presidential Bash. The show was way to funny. But it had me thinking as I look at my daughter sleep, will tomorrow be a whole new day. Can I really tell my daughter that she can be anything when she grows up like Chris Rock said in his newest special? Can Obama win the popular vote but still lose? Will Akon leave the country then? Just kidding I don't care. But back to what I am saying. It seems like the whole world is waiting on what will happen tomorrow and the change it will bring. It has me thinking how much my world will change the day after tomorrow. I hope it is for the better.

This economy sucks and we need positive change.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm Back!!!

I have so much to update everybody on. I was away due to a death of a family member and survived a hurricane while on the island of St. Martin. That was alot! I learned that I need to have my blackberry or the internet to relax??? I was not able to use either and I was going crazy.
Anyway, I have so much to write about but the most important thing was that Shelly Rio was in town for her birthday bash. Look out for photos of that later. And Africa's commerical for Sunni Hair is going to be running on BET during the Hip Hop Awards in the Atlanta area. Since we all aren't there, see below. Enjoy! Will catch up on everything tomorrow.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Hey it's another day another dollar. Today I wanted to talk about having patience. I think I learned how to have patience when I started my company. Which is funny in itself because I started PDM in 2003 and how did I deal with people before that??!!!
Anyway, when you have your own business you have to be patient. It maybe your waiting to hear back on an offer you made, waiting for a new client to sign a contract, waiting on payment from a vendor, or waiting on that email from someone to go forward. Things move at there own pace. You can push just so much. If you don't have patience you will find that your fustrated about stuff that is out of your control. But even though I know that, today was all about having PATIENCE. I know that either what I am working on will happen in time or and most importantly things happen in there due time. But lord that's hard to understand and get my head around sometimes.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sex, Lies and TV

So last night watched the Man and Wife show's premiere. Very cool. Tamara Delbrigdge is the makeup artist for the show. And she did an excellent job. I hope the show is successfull. You may see me in the audience of one the shows. My intern and I went to a taping to support Tamara. It was too funny. My present intern is Tamera Ross. She is a good southern girl. Very proper. So I was cracking up watch her sitting there!! They talk about everything dealing with sex. From positions to toys to likes. WHATEVER. Too funny!

Anyway, as I said from the begining, I am going to use my blog to give you an insight to my regualar day. So yesterday, meet up with Sha'Kai. She is one of my newest clients. I love her.
We are working on increasing her web presence and visiblity. So we spent the day and the computer. I feel like I am making strides with her. Sometimes your plugging away with a client and you don't see what your doing. But not yesterday. We will be building her site over the next couple of weeks, narrowing down photos for a comp card, organizing her book and more. So soon you will be able to go on her site. I will keep you guys in the loop for that.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Today’s Pink Diamond Management update is on our client and Makeup Maven Tamara Delbridge(Myspace Link). Tamara has been working on so many projects lately, we want to share a couple with you guys.

You can see Tamara’s work everywhere. She has been touching the faces of several starlets your familiar with. She is working with the Man and Wife Show(Official Website), Fox Sports, BET, MTV Awards and more.

She just completed an instructional video Shades of Beauty. This video walks you through a makeup application to show you how beauty can be made easy.

Tamara Delbridge Instructional Video

Tamara has also been featured several times on the popular blog ‘Shop, Eat, and Sleep’ Not only can she beat your face she is a fashion diva!!

Don’t forget behind every celebrity there’s always a dope makeup artist, Tamara Delbridge…

Exclusive Zedge Profile:

Welcome to the Pink Diamond Management Diaries

Hello my name is Daniella Cobb. I am the president of a boutique management firm. I decided to put my thoughts and adventures into a blog. I am encouraging you to follow my journey. My days are filled with photo shoots, client crisis, signing contracts, looking for new clients, and straight up trying to make money!